Your guide to packing a baby bag
That’s the thing about baby bags - it’s hard to know what you’ll need to pack in one until it becomes an indispensable part of your life.
Don’t worry Mumma ~ we’ve got you covered!
This is your downloadable + printable checklist for everything you’ll need to pack in your Baby Bag for 0-6 months, 6-12 months and 1-2 years. We hope it’ll take the guesswork out of packing, and avoid an overstuffed bag that actually has nothing you really need.

- 5 Nappies
- Baby wipes
- Disposable nappy bags (for dirty nappies)
- Nappy cream
- Travel change mat
- 2 x Change of clothes
- 2 x Bibs
- Swaddle
- Blanket
- Sleep sack (if using)
- Milk Bottle & Formula (if using)
- 2 x Dummies (if using)
- Teether
- Burping Cloth or small towel
- Hat
- Baby’s Blue Book - for the amount of appointments you’ll have during this time, sometimes it’s easier to carry this around 24/7 so you’ll never forget to pack it.
*We haven’t included a Wet Bag, as our Nappy Bags have a built-in compartment you can use for this. Throw your dirty clothes and zip it closed to seal.
- Mittens + socks
- Beanie
- Warm jacket
- Winter blanket
- Water + snacks
- Hand sanitiser
- Reusable breast pads
- Small pack of tissues
- Hair tie or clip
- Lip balm/nipple balm
- 3-5 Nappies
- Baby Wipes
- Disposable nappy bags (for dirty nappies)
- Nappy Cream
- Travel Change Mat
- 2 x Change of clothes
- Blanket
- Water bottle
- 2 x Dummies (if using)
- Teether
- Hat
- Sunscreen
- Toy/Book
- Comforter (if using)
- Rusks/snacks
- Food
- 2 x Bibs
- Water
- Hand Sanitiser
- Small packet of tissues
- Hair tie or clip
- Lip balm
- Snacks
- 3 Nappies
- Baby wipes
- Disposable nappy bags (for dirty nappies)
- Nappy cream
- Travel change mat
- 2 x Change of clothes
- Blanket
- Water bottle
- 2 x Dummies (if using)
- Hat
- Sunscreen
- Toy/book
- Comforter (if using)
- Food
- 2 x Bibs
- Bandaids
- Water + snacks
- Hand sanitiser
- Small pack of tissues
- Hair tie or clips
- Lip balm
- Nappies and wipes
- Change mat
- 2 x Change of clothes
- Sleep sack
- Comforter
- Fitted sheet
- Water bottle
- Milk bottle formula (if using)
- Lunch + snacks (if needed)
- 2 x Bibs
- Sunscreen
- Bandaids
- Hat
- Picture of family